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Writer's pictureJeanette

I Moved!

I know 2020 has been crazy for everyone! For me, there were endless struggles, but that's a story for another day. After my boyfriend lost his job on my birthday, followed by six months of unemployment, he got another job! Not just any job, his dream job. Awwwww so proud!

With that dream came a huge reality... we had to move.

This was a huge move. 2,681 miles to be exact. Like... whaaaaa?!

I have lived in Florida for the last 22 years and honestly had no plans on leaving. Why would I leave? My son, friends, job, basically everything is in Florida. Not to mention Florida is beautiful and has Disney World.

Life has a way of gently nudging you where you need to be, whether you are ready or not. I decided pretty quickly to embrace whatever changes were coming my way. No stress, no mess.

The movers came and got my stuff, transport came and got my Jeep. "See ya laters" were said and off I went. Unfortunately, I didn't get to see everyone before I left, but I'm a text away.

I have been in California for 7 days and starting to settle in. Things are quite different here. I'm planning on sharing a lot of my new adventures so buckle up b*tches. I'm looking forward to all that this state has to offer, including Disney Land!

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2 comentarios

25 nov 2020

Miss you already Sweet Pea!

Me gusta

25 nov 2020

I miss you but I’m so excited for your blog and to read and hear about all your adventures!!

Me gusta
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