I've lived in California for exactly 5 weeks now and I've discovered a few pros and cons. Let's dive right in!
Cons List
Buying bags - You can not go anywhere without having to purchase your bags for 10 cents EACH. I suppose this is to encourage people to bring their own bags.. but that doesn't seem to work. The majority of people appear to be buying bags. These bags are thick plastic! It seems like they are using more plastic and charging you for it. I will not be buying bags!
Cost of living - The average cost of a home in California is two and a half times the national average at $440,000. Wowza! Doug and I are definitely feeling the effects of this. Our rent is more than double what we paid in Florida.
Deposits - This is a state that requires you to pay a deposit on all cans and glass. In order to get your money back you have to bring the empty bottles to a recycle center. This is another thing I do not see people doing, including myself, because there is nowhere decent to do it. We do recycle at our apartment, but I want my damn deposit back!
Gasoline - There is a $1.00 tax on every gallon of gas. Currently the price per gallon is about $3.50. Ew.
Pros List
Beautiful - It's friggin' beautiful in California. There is basically every landscape you could ever want. Beaches, mountains, hills, palm trees, deserts, forests, cliffs, snow, waterfalls, and the list goes on. Florida has beautiful beaches and springs, but overall the diversity in California is just superior.
Cheap produce - Trips to the store haven't been too painful because the price of produce is very reasonable. Which leads me to my next pro...
Quality produce - The quality of produce has been great too. The Avocados have blown my mind. Pineapples have been so sweet and the grapes are ginormous!
Fruit Everywhere - OK I swear this is my last "produce related" pro. Fruit just grows around here like it's not a big deal. Oranges, pomegranates and grapes are the ones I have noticed growing in the neighborhood.
Renewable Energy - There seems to be a lot of solar powered homes and schools in this area, which is awesome. I've always wondered why Florida THE SUNSHINE STATE hasn't dove into solar energy more. It don't make no sense! There are also windmills around here which is pretty cool.
No bugs - I haven't seen any bugs or lizards! I realize it's winter so this may change, but so far I'm super impressed with the absent of creepy crawly things everywhere.
No weeds - They literally just landscape with dirt... and boom, no weeds. I can't understand it!
Vegan Options - I've been able to find all my usual food choices, AND MORE! I've tried quite a few new foods around here because there seems to be vegan options everywhere.
Adventures - There are a lot of things to do around here and I've already made a bucket list for all the places we want to visit.
I'm sure I'll discover more things the longer we stay here but as for now that concludes my list! Leave comments below!